All posts by Poppy Evans




Final outcomes

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Outcome 3

Out Come 4 Photobook

Overall I am really happy with my final outcomes. They show some of my best images in a neat and simple but effective way. By creating a mock up before hand ensured that I had a plan and could choose the sizing of the images rather than just choosing random sized images and deciding on the day which could have meant my outcomes wouldn’t have worked. I realised my intentions as I already had the concept of abstract images of body parts with a background inspired by Bill Brandt. I also had an image in my head of what I wanted my outcomes to look like. I used different sized paper A3, A4 and A5 which helps to create more contrast and variety in my work. My references to the artists Bill Brandt and Barbra Kruger link more into Brandt work as the visual and conceptual aspects of my work carry the same themes and ideas as his work. Some of the things I mainly took from his work was the lighting as well as positioning of the camera and the details of the body parts. I think that visually my images came out very well and work nicely as a set. Technically they are not very difficult images to make in fact they are very simple but do create a good image. If I was to change or do anything differently I would make sure to do some more shoots and create different types of images which still carry the same theme but create a bit of contrast. I would also try and bring in one of the other themes as I mainly focused ‘observe’. I also created a photobook which contains all of my final selected images from my shoot. Having a photobook allows for me to create a story from my images.


Virtual Gallery

To create my virtual Gallery I used the templates saved in the media folder, then uploading them to photoshop. I then imported the images I wanted to be presented. By placing them and resizing them to the correct size I created a black border around them. Creating a virtual gallery helped me I with creating mock ups for my final outcomes.


Here is a link to my online photobook: The Body


Observing body parts such as arms, legs, hands, feet and back with a background of mainly on the beach.


Taking inspiration from Bill Brandt’s images of body parts I will look to create my book in a simple but effective way.

Selected images for book

Selected layout of my images, in standard Portrait.

Each Page


I have decided to lay out my images in the book in a way which works and creates a nice collection which all links together. It also nicely links into the theme of ‘observe’, as I explored and took inspiration from Bill Brandt by observing the human body by taking images of arms, legs, hands, feet, backs and faces. Overall, I am happy with the way my book turned out I think that the layout flows nicely throughout and starts to create a story. As I don’t have more than 30 images in my book I decided to go for the soft cover which means it will be more of a magazine.

Final Images

How do my images fit into the theme of Observe, Seek and challenge?

From research and exploring I found Bill Brandt’s work of body parts in an abstract way interesting. I thought that incorporating his work into this theme would work with ‘Observe’. I decided to take the idea of observing the body from photographing body parts but to make it interesting I went down to beaches which had pebbles. By having more of a landscape rather than just a white background creates more contrast and allows for more shadows. I also decided to change all of my images into black and white to make sure they all flow in a nice way to create a story. My first shoot was more inspired by Bill Brandt with images which are more simple whereas my second shoot is more inspired by Barbra Kruger with more emotion behind them. By ‘observing’ the body I ensured all the images are close up and capture every detail, for example the hands you can see all the small details. To present my images I will make a series of foam boards with my best images, I will also be making a photobook which will display all of my best final images from my shoots.

Final Print Mock Up

The bottom image will be A3 and the two above will be A4 with a border. Then put onto a foam board.

All 3 images will be on A4 and be mounted onto either foam board or black card.

Picture on the left will be A3 and the 2 smaller ones will be A5

Photoshoot 2

Contact Sheet

Selected Images to Edit

My second shoot was done at the beach in St Clements along the coast road. Carrying on from my first shoot I decided to do another shoot at the beach to carry on the same theme. I will also be turning all of my images into black and white to incorporate Brandt and Kruger’s work which is mainly black and white.

Editing Process

I am happy with the way my images have turned out, they link well with my first shoot and create a nice collection of images. Changing the images into black and white creates depth and contrast making all the images have the same colours and tones.

Further Editing on Photoshop

To create this I used a background image and put another image on top and changed the opacity to have the bottom image showing through at the same time.

Photoshoot 1

Contact Sheet

My shoot was done in 2 different locations each location with a different model. First shoot was in Archirondel Tower on the pebble beach and the second was done at St Aubin’s behind the pier.

Selected images


I changed all my images into black and white to create contrast, I like how my images turned out they have mainly taken inspiration from Bill Brandt and his images on the beach.

Edited Images


I am happy with the way my shoot turned out, the quality and lighting of the images is how I wanted it. They work well as a set of images and reflect the artist of Bill Brandt which was my main influence of my shoot. By using different angels from low to high around all different parts of the it creates composition and helps to make each image look slightly different and not repeating the same thing.

Artist Comparison

Bill Brandt and Barbara Kruger

The two artists have some similar images, Brandt uses body parts in black and white and Kruger also uses body parts and adds coloured borders words. Kruger has a slightly different message to Brandt as she tackles the everyday assumptions of contemporary society. Whereas Brandt has more of a Surrealists approach and in his project focuses mainly on body parts. Kruger uses a more varied range of images from peoples faces, art work, body and other staged images. Brandt uses mainly arms and legs on pebbles at the beach. His images being black and white create contrast and deep shadows. By taking inspiration from the artists I will incorporate them into my photoshoots.

Photoshoot Plan

Photoshoot 1

My first shoot will be taking inspiration from bill Brandt and his images of peoples body parts at the beach.

  • Where: at a beach with pebbles
  • Lighting: soft lighting, doesn’t matter too much as images will be turned into black and white
  • What: I will need a model to use mainly hands, feet, arms and legs

Experimenting with Barbra Kruger

Kruger’s Work

My Work

By using photoshop I experimented with trying to create work similar to her work by using the red banners on top of images. Now that I compare the images I would have changed the writing into white rather than black. I would also need to take some more images in her style to have the same effect as she has. As I don’t have many other images in her style I was limited to the amount I could produce.