Here is a link to my online photobook: The Body
Observing body parts such as arms, legs, hands, feet and back with a background of mainly on the beach.
Taking inspiration from Bill Brandt’s images of body parts I will look to create my book in a simple but effective way.
Selected images for book

Selected layout of my images, in standard Portrait.

Each Page

I have decided to lay out my images in the book in a way which works and creates a nice collection which all links together. It also nicely links into the theme of ‘observe’, as I explored and took inspiration from Bill Brandt by observing the human body by taking images of arms, legs, hands, feet, backs and faces. Overall, I am happy with the way my book turned out I think that the layout flows nicely throughout and starts to create a story. As I don’t have more than 30 images in my book I decided to go for the soft cover which means it will be more of a magazine.