Theses virtual galleries display each of my photoshoots in a more formal setting in order to represent what they would look like if they were to actually be used in a gallery.
In order to create these virtual galleries, I used stock images of empty galleries in photoshop before pasting my own images in them and distorting them in order to make them appear more realistic. To enhance the feel of the images even more I decided to go in with the burn tool to add shadows and depth to them as well as the smooth tool to blend it in.
Gallery 1 – Play pieces

With this gallery I wanted to display some of my best images from my playing pieces shoot. I really like how the images all go together due to the muted colours and black and white tones in them, which is something that I had planned when editing them. I also like the contrast against the light room of the gallery, causing my photos to stand out even more.
Gallery 2 – Castle photos

For this gallery I selected a more greyscale one as to link in better with the castle aesthetic of my second photo shoot. I think this one also turned out well and manages to capture the feel of a proper gallery.
Gallery 3 – Costume photos

For my third gallery I picked a more plain one as to showcase more of my photographs. While I still like this image overall I feel as though the amount of images makes it feel a little cluttered, especially when compared to the plain flooring.
Gallery 4 – Portraits

I think that this gallery captures my fourth shoot really well, showcasing my best portrait images, with each of the photos connecting due to the link of chess. I also like how I put the coloured image in the centre, making it stand out among the other black and white images.
Gallery 5 – Masks

This is my favourite gallery that I have made so far due to the layout as well as the colouring linking the images together. I think the mask photos work well when displayed against a plain background with bright lighting due to the images already being quite dark.
Gallery 6 – Elements

Lastly, for my element shoot I attempted to bulk together the images by colours, creating a sort of gradient from a more vibrant blue to a more muted one. Similarly to my mask shoot I like how the my photos contrast against the white background and lights, helping them to stand out more.