Once again, to chose my final images I rated them and colour coded the ones that I wanted to use so that I could easily distinguish my best images.

The two images above


I chose to re-create this image by Cindy Sherman as it can be seen as the ‘fear of the un-known’ as it is a long windy rural road in which the person viewing the image doesn’t know where its leading to. In addition there can be many un answered questions about both my own interpretation and Cindy Sherman’s image like; where is she going? What is she waiting for? & Where will the road go?
Overall, I think that these shoots came out really well. I have captured many images which are similar to my artist reference’s, furthermore many of them have my own interpretation. I believe that I have stuck to the theme of observe seek and challenge well as i have kept the conception of the ‘gaze’ through out all six shoots.