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Comparing my images to my case studies

I think I managed to recreate the work of my case studies well. Although my images aren’t identical to my case studies work I have captured similar compositions.

Comparison to Thomas Lodins work

There are many similarities within this image such as the position of my sister however I took my image at a low down angle whereas Lodin took his image at a higher angle.

Personally I think both these images are very similar as they’re both walking out in tot he sea with their boards .The only difference would be that my image is more zoomed in than Lodins

If I took this image with a slower shutter speed, it would of come out more like Lodins where the water and wave looks more smooth.

Comparison to W. Eugen Smiths work

Both these images would be classed as close up shots and both demonstrate two very different people both focusing on something they love weather that may be looking out at the waves or doing your job helping people on a day to day basis.

Both of these images composition have the subjects in the left third. They are both looking at the camera and carrying out casual poses. Even though this image wasn’t on of my strongest image I wanted to use it to show the similarities between my work and Eugene Smiths.

Comparison to Alec Soths work

I wanted to take some environmental portraits based off of Alec Soths work. I think I have captured the style of Soths work well as I captured my sister in her ‘natural habitat’. Both these images compose of the subject in their space, looking at the camera.

photobook research + analysis

A photobook that I like the layout of is: ‘Girl pictures’ by Justine Kurland.

Despite this photobook not matching the theme of my project, I really like Kurland’s use of double page spreads along with the juxtaposition of the standard images (one per page). I think the simplistic yet striking structure helps tell the story as images jump from side to side and span most of the pages.

‘Girl Pictures’ follows American runaway girls as they explore their newfound freedom. The images are visually striking and can allude to a dreamlike aesthetic. Kurland takes natural light and careful composition into consideration as a way of creating a powerful visual narrative that invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences of youth and femininity. All the images were taken between 1997-2002 yet they feel timeless, Justine got young girls to pose as runaways under highway underpasses or next to neglected lakes, she named them her “standing army”.

Double page spreads:


Mounted prints

The Image above is A3 which means that it will be the centre piece of my final displays

The images above are A4

The images above are A5

Final Mounted images

To do this process I decided to use a white foam board as the background for my darker images and Black cardboard for my pictures of nature as this contrast will help the images stand out.

Firstly I sprayed the back of the images with glue and then stuck them on a foam board. Then I decided if I wanted a white boarder around my images or not so I cut the images out depending on my decision. Lastly I used double sided tape to stick my images onto the background. Overall I did enjoy this process as I like doing practical work though it was very time consuming.

I am happy with the final outcomes of my images as I presented them the way that I originally wanted. I did struggle a little bit at first as I had a blunt knife for my images of nature so the cut isn’t as clean as the others, and a few of my images I accidently got some of the glue on it so it has a few marks but I am still happy with how they turned out.

Virtual gallery

artist reference

teenage gaze:

To gaze is to look steadily and intently at something, especially at that which excites admiration, curiosity. The teenage gaze is an often oppressive point of view that draws from youth for the adult creators and viewers of Euphoria. Teen gaze is to present to others how teenagers can be misunderstood by others, it is to express their life through their eyes and to create a new meaning to teens.

petra collins

Petra Collins is a multi-talented artist and director whose photography set the stylistic tone for much of the 2010s. Shooting since the age of 15, her work is fueled by self-discovery and a contemporary femininity which explore the complex intersection of life as a young woman online and off. Collins weaves through the worlds of art, fashion, film, and music. She is currently working on her narrative feature debut set to shoot in 2021.

 mood board

what I will be including in my projects are things that relate to the teen gaze, I will be taking candid pictures of my friends during the time we are out and use the mood board of Petra Collins work as inspiration.

virtual gallery evaluation

As part of my project I have presented my images in three ways, a photobook, final prints and a virtual gallery. I think that the images I have chosen to place in my virtual gallery work well together with the contrast in colours making it engaging against the white walls. Whilst I am happy with my images I don’t think that I have presented my images in the best way. I think that if I had more time I would have presented them in a better way and generally took more time to present them. I also think my images don’t quite fit together as three of them all contain yellow and one doesn’t which makes it look a little odd. Overall, I do think my images are of good quality however the way I presented them could have been improved.

Royal Square Contact Sheets

First Decisions

Second Decisions

Final Edits

Typology Contact Sheets

First Decisions

Second Decisions

Final Edits

virtual gallery

Layout of photobook

Once all my images were edited to my liking I began to experiment with various layouts on the pages of my photobook.

To separate my images from one another I tried using the creative tab to make my images more unique and give the effect of a scrap/sketchbook.

I added text onto the cover for my name and the title of my book:

This is how I changed aspects like the font, size, colour and positioning of the writing.

Final layout:

Now that my layout is complete I will export my book to BLURB to order a physical copy.