In order to create my virtual gallery, I used Photoshop and the gallery images provided. I inserted each image into the gallery and then, for the images placed on the walls, I used Ctrl+T and then right-clicked the image to select ‘Perspective‘. This would help to create the illusion that it was being seen from the perspective of the viewer.
I think this went well, though I would have liked more wall space in which to add more pictures.
Overall, I really enjoyed this project and am happy with the way I managed to produce my final outcomes, being both my photobook and final prints. I think that I was successful in presenting my idea of games for the theme observe, seek and challenge by producing a wide range of images that link to it.
What I feel as though I did well in this project was the actual photographs themselves as I am pleased with the editing as well as the general ideas behind the shoots. I particularly like my castle photos that I did for my second photoshoot as I feel as though they go hand in hand with the concept of games, especially due to the monarchy having a huge influence over them in games like chess or cards which are frequently used throughout my project. Another part of my project that I think turned out well is my photobook as I really like the story told through my photographs as well as how the images link together not only through meaning but through colour and aesthetic too.
While there isn’t anything in particular that I would change about how my project turned out, there are some things that I feel as though could of made it strong if added. For example, including some more photoshoots which merge all of my previous ones. I feel as though this could help enhance my final outcome since it would help make the story behind it more clear to the viewer.
I think that the presenting and mounting of my final prints turned out well, I stuck with my plan by keeping a 1cm boarder around each of my images which helps to connect them all together as well as making them contrast against the white background. I am also pleased with the size that each of them turned out which, in my opinion, helps to create a nice balance when viewed all together.
The only issue with my final prints is that the images printed out slightly darker than I had originally planned, however, I feel as though this turned out for the better as it helps to make the photos feel more dramatic and mysterious which creates a similar feel to that of my photobook.
Did you realise your intentions? – My intentions towards my final prints stayed the same from my main idea. I had always planned to have an effective yet simple mount, keeping it the same for all my images in order to help highlight the connection between them. I also planned to print out quite a few images in order to help show the range of images throughout my project.
What references did you make to artists references? – I made quite a few links to my artist references with 4 out of 6 of my photoshoots being dedicated to recreating their works in my own style to match the theme of my project. Overall, I think that my artists helped to shape the way my project turned out, both visually and contextually.
How successful was your final outcome? – I think that my final outcome was successful as I managed to mount up all my images in a manner that I’m happy with as well as the overall aesthetic being what I had in mind.
I began by arranging my archived images with the wording on the back because I find it sets up the story well and describes their important moments. I was unsure how to place them, but I found doing a double page spread with the writing on the side was the best. The large image is impactful, instead of small and lost in the page.
When adding the writing, I chose to whiten the background and darken the writing to make it stand out more and less yellowy. Although this takes away the old look of it, I find it fits in better with the black and white image.
I placed three images on pages to decide which was the best composition, so I could choose which one to use.
I then narrowed it down to two and placed my next image beside them to evaluate further. In the end I decided I preferred the image with her face in, because it has a short depth of field, and her face juxtaposes more with the next image of her hand.
I chose to create some simple pages in the book, using an image and then telling the story with my grans dialogue next to it. This layout is inspired by Larry Sultan’s book. I think the simplicity can become affective when amongst double page spreads and collages and causes a break amongst them.
I created the same double page spread several pages later so show consistency and mark the next milestone in their life.
I then followed the story of what the writing said, placing two images of my gran pregnant. I chose to place them each on a page because it creates an organised composition, with the same tones of yellow and lighting. I also chose to do this because it presents the twins, the images are taken on different sides, as if my gran is showing each twin. This double page can be viewed metaphorically for them.
Again, I followed the story on by using an image of my gran with one of the twins. I used the same structure as the other simple pages with writing, but this time with an archived photo. I want to make sure that even though the layouts are varied, they have a pattern and similar structure throughout.
I inserted the scrapbook collage I made, and followed it with my image of the car to cerate a link between the two.
I then moved on from the simplistic layout to a collage, like Sultan’s. At first, I was only going to use archived images, but I realised that I could incorporate my new ones too. I chose to do this because the images all link in a way. My nans necklace in my image connects to her glamour in some of the archives, showing that she still feels the need to dress up, possibly in my grandfather’s legacy. The white flower is a hawthorn bush, which my grandfather loved, and it links to the other flower image, creating a semantic field of nature. My grandfather spent a lot of time photographing nature in his free time. Final the elephant toys link to the archive above it and carries the theme of elephants through the book; linking to the title. I made sure to choose images with a similar tone and lighting, such as light blues, beige yellows and green.
Here I attempted to subtly show the change in my gran, by placing a new image before an old image where they are both looking in the same direction. However, in the new image, she is looking up more, which I think can present the loss of my grandad, as if she is looking up to him, not at him anymore.
Next, I moved onto his boat company, using the scrapbook pages I made.
I chose to add a double page spread because I hadn’t a full used one yet, and I think it reminds the viewer that my grandad is the centre of this story. It also fills the page and creates a break, like the simple pages. I then followed this with two images of my gran modelling on his boat design, and a story she told me about it. This is a similar layout to other pages, keeping the consistency and organisation.
Later in the book, I moved onto presenting his loss. I showed a more recent image (around 2003) where he is wearing his tie, juxtaposed with my nan holding it. This shows he is no longer here to wear it and shows the change in time. There are colour similarities too, such as the greens, blues and whites, making a further link.
I created another collage, because it creates patterns, and gives me the ability to insert more photos. I placed mostly new images, apart from one of my grandads. I chose to put it in because it links with the images from Beauport due to the cliffs. It also is like a memory of him amongst the loss. I made sure to keep the top and bottom left images in line to keep a basic organisation.
Another double page spread because I decided I needed more than one full one. I also like the detail, as a close up instead of a portrait.
These three images really present how people change but places don’t. I retook the image of my gran in the same place to juxtapose the image of my grandfather there. There is a strong link between the images.
I chose to add the description for elephants at the end, to create a summary of their love, and to show why the name of the book is called ‘Elephants Never Forget’.
Opening page vs closing page:
I chose to put these at the beginning and end to give the book a start and finish. They are both taken in the same seat, one with my grandad, and one without. I find it sums up the meanings and my intention behind the book and describes his loss. I also like how my gran is still smiling at the end, emphasising how she has adapted to the change and still feels he is with her at heart.
Originally, I had them both and full double page spreads, but I didn’t like the way her face was on the fold f the page, meaning you wouldn’t be able to see the image properly. Overall, I prefer the image at the side because it creates a nice composition, one beginning on the left and ending on the right. Like how a story is read, left to right, but in a visual format.
This is going to be the layout of my photobook I created this on Lightroom Classic through Blurb.
Size: Standard Portraits
Cover: Hardcover Image Wrap
Paper Type: Premium Matte
For this book I have selected my best images out of this project to display them, I narrowed down my photographs from 900 down to 27 images. I am really happy with the final outcome of my book as think it works welly well and the colours trough out the book flow together well, I also like how my opening and closing image are both of the same person. All the images in my book represent my favourite photos from the project.
Experimental Book
This book is the first book I created I have chose not to use it as I don’t like the layout of it and and think some photographs don’t suit the book. It was also a landscape book which distorted the images so on the new book I have made it portrait.
My photo book is based on the photographic gaze and more specifically the male gaze. The male gaze is a feminist theory by Laura Maulvey which is based on how women are seen and depicted to satisfy the needs and wants of men. I have picked this subject as I believe it ties in with the theme of observe seek and challenge as the male gaze includes the observation of females and seeking them in an objectifying and limiting manner. Furthermore, the male gaze challenges the progression of how women are being seen and depicted in current time when compared to the past.
The images that I have taken and chose to use in my photo book show both the strength and vulnerability in which Women as a whole hold. Some images show parts of the female body that some men desire which feeds into the stereotype of the male gaze however, the thought and meaning behind this book and the series of images has a deeper meaning to it. I chose this topic as many females find themselves changing their appearance to gain male validation. However, the images which i have taken are purely for the confidence of the people involve and to show that not everything has to be viewed in the terms of the male gaZA.
For the themes seek and observe I have decided to explore into my family’s past. I have chosen to focus on my grandmother and grandfather’s relationship and life, and how it has changed over time. They moved to Jersey around 1974 after having my mum and her twin sister. They lived here ever since, until my grandfather passed away in 2005. My gran still lives in the same house they were living in at the time. I want to present the loss, but also the happiness they had as a couple. I will photograph my gran now and juxtapose it with archived images to show the change. I’m going to photograph objects that mean a lot such as wedding rings, old treasures and memorabilia.
Here are some of my images and their meanings so far:
This is one of my best images from the shoot. It sets up the scene of where my gran spends most of her time, and emphasises her as a main subject. This could suggest that there is no one else here with her.
This image has a main focal point which is her engagement and wedding rings. I like this images because she is playing a solo game, however she still has my grandad with her through her rings.
This is a key image that displays the story. It is a basic idea, but I really like the composition, and the way it shows a connection between them still. I could place this near an archived image of them both, which shows the change. Using archived images is my way of seeking into their past.
When composing this photo I wanted to make it clear that there was only one person using the bed, and I only lit up my grandfathers side to use light for the meaning. My grandfathers portrait is on the neat side, and my grans side is untidy. I think there can be a lot of emotion created from this image because it leads the story on, and somewhat shows loneliness. The loss of my grandfather is definitely emphasised.
This is an image of an elephant my grandfather bought my gran. One of their favourite things was elephants, and they would buy each other elephant gifts if on holidays.
This boot has been on the stairs for many years, and I asked my gran about it. She said they bought it on a cruise, inspired by the nickname their friends husband had named their wife. I don’t know if I will include all of these images of objects, but they do hold a story of my grandparents. For my photobook I may put quotes from voice recordings of my gran about these stories.
Photoshop example
This is a hawthorn tree, which grows outside my gran’s house. My grandfather was intrigued by it and enjoyed watching it blossom in the spring.
“When the hawthorn opposite the house came into blossom, Pops used to always get very excited because he would say, “springs here!”, and looked forward to the better weather coming. It was like the end of winter for him. And the bush has just bloomed the other day.” – my gran