All posts by Kaitlyn Cadoret



photoshoot 6 plan

For my sixth and final shoot, I have a few ideas of where I want to go for my images. I think that once I take these images they will add deeply to my project and will be very inspired by William Eggleston. For this reason I think they will fit in perfectly. I am hoping that the weather is sunny with clear sky’s to make the colour in my images stand out.


photoshoot five

For my fifth shoot, I had a few ideas where I wanted to go in order to take my images. I again focused on buildings, but also included some signs and as well as boats and flowers to give my project more of a range. As I photographed a range of objects, I didn’t take all of these images on the same day to allow myself more time to make sure that my images were of good quality.


Final images:

Overall, I think that this shoot went well, and I was able to produce more images than most of my other shoots. This allowed me to have more options when selecting which images to keep and which to get rid of. I think that they all add to my project and they have a variety of colours throughout.

photoshoot 5 plan

For my fifth photoshoot, I am also going to be off island for some of it. Again I a going to try and take advantage of this and am going to look out for anything that I think will fit with my project. I am also going to take some images over here focusing on houses and looking for road signs etc.


photoshoot four

For my fourth photoshoot, I didn’t take as many images as some of my other shoots, as I didn’t really have a plan. For this shoot I was off Island and took the opportunity to try and capture some images that are a bit different from what we get at home.


final images:

As my fourth photoshoot wasn’t planned I didn’t come out with as many images as some of my other shoots. I think that the images that I did get work well with my colour theme and as I was off Island when I took them it meant that they are something different from my other images which we may not see over here. Overall, I don’t think that this was one of my best photoshoots but think that the images I did get are of good quality.

photoshoot 4 plan

For my fourth photoshoot, I am going to take the opportunity of being off Island to try and take some more images for my project that may be different to what I may find over here. As Jersey is only small I am limited to what I can take images of meaning, being somewhere else may give me more options.


photoshoot three

For my third photoshoot I again focused on vehicles and buildings. During my photoshoot, I found that yellow and red were the best colours to photograph as they came up the best in the images and were very bright and vibrant. In this shoot I also ended up photographing a lot of blues in different tones to show a contrast.


final images:

Overall, I am pleased with this shoot and this that all of the colours contrast to each other especially within the pictures. I like how they all have a variety of colours within them and they all hold a similar feel.

photoshoot 3 plan

For my third photoshoot, I am going to go down to St Aubins and photograph various things to do with the harbour, as well as houses around there are there are more built up areas that will be different from other parts of the island. I also think that the architecture in that area is less modern than other places which will link to my project more.


photoshoot two

For my second photoshoot, I focused on the east of the island, particularly Gorey and focused on cars and buildings of bright colours or containing coloured parts.

began to edit

Once I had selected my images I used the ‘develop’ tab to begin editing them to particularly enhance the colour and straighten my images as well as make sure they were clear and in depth.

final images:

Overall, I am happy with this photoshoot. Whilst I didn’t come out with as many images as I would have liked to, I think that the images I did produce fit with my project and I am very happy with them.

photoshoot 2 plan

For my second photoshoot, I am going to focus on the Gorey area mainly on the harbour. I am going to look for cars which are brightly coloured as well as any houses that I may see. I think that I am going to look mainly for colours that you wouldn’t normally see for cars such as yellow and pink, as well as bright colours such as red and green.


photoshoot one

Firstly I uploaded my images to Lightroom classic and I looked through my images and use ‘X’ and ‘P’ to select the ones I thought would be good to use.

Once I had done that, I began editing them to adjust the lighting, make sure the image was straight and get rid of and marks on the image until I was happy with them.

Final images:

Overall, I think a few of these images turned out nicely. As the shoot was only small it meant that I had less images to work with and now know for next time to take more images to give myself more options. I think that the colours are quite bright and are the main focus in all my images, but think that some of them could be more obvious.