All posts by Charlie Bell



photoshoot 3

this photoshoot wasn’t very long and because I didn’t have a lot of time however I got some okay photos out of it.

photoshoot 2

photoshoot 1

these photographs where taken in St peters valley they turned out alright and I quiet like the feel and look of the photographs

Case Study Awoiska Van Der Molen photography

Awoiska Van Der Molen was born in 1972 in the Netherlands she lives and works in Amsterdam she has participated in numerous group exabitions at institutions including pier 24 in san Francisco Huis Marseille in Amsterdam, FoMu in Antwerp, Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam and Kyotographie in Kyoto. In 2016 van der Molen has held her first major museum solo show at FOAM Amsterdam. Her work is represented in public and museum collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Museum of Photography in Seoul and The Hague Museum of Photography. Van der Molen is the recipient of the Larry Sultan Photography Award in 2017, received the Japanese Hariban Award in 2014 and was finalist at the Hyères Festival International de Mode et de Photographie in France in 2011. Her monograph Sequester was nominated for the Paris Photo / Aperture First Book Prize in 2014. Awoiska van der Molen graduated with a MFA in Photography at the St. Joost Academy, Breda in the Netherlands. Her practice is informed by an intuitive approach to image making, and her interest in the intangible qualities of her subjects. 

Awosika van der molen early work includes portraits of women on the street of new York, families sitting together or other works where her sitters attention lies beyond the camera she uses this approach in her work of urban environments producing uncanny pictures of ominous houses and streets since 2009. Awosika van der molen has also taken black and white abstract images in nature spending long periods of time in solitude in remote landscapes she slowly uncovers the identity of the landscape she in she searches for a state of being in which the boundaries between herself and her blur I don’t really understand this however I think she’s trying to get photos that express the landscape in a different way from the norm and its definitely different in sense that you don’t know what your looking at until you look closer I quiet like it, it looks very unique and there’s not a lot of uniqueness in todays photography.

Case Study Chris Burkard

I don’t intend on making my photo look or even feel like Chris Burkard however he is a photographer that I have research and look in to I like how his images look however there not my style but they do look very good the reason I looked into him is because I am trying to get more nature and natural order of thing in my photos this could be tree and leaf’s to nature taking over abandoned places and thing left to rot what I like about Chris he only shows the beautiful side of nature which is good I would like to see if I can do the opposite to see how it look and to see if it looks any good.

Case Study on Liam Wong

Liam Wong is a Scottish photographer and games designer. He was Artistic Director of Ubisoft Montreal and was involved in the design of game series like Crysis and Far Cry. He is known for his cyberpunk, sci-fi style of photography. Wong is the author of the book To:ky:oo his book is a collection photo from Tokyo he says “I got lost in the beauty of Tokyo at night” To:ky:oo was published was published in 2019 and the photos look amazing. Liam Wong hasn’t done to much in the photography world however I really like what he has done and his night photography is very well done with the neon lights and all the vibrant colour really make his work I cant wait for his next pieces of work and I know it will be great. he got another book called after dark which was funded by crowdfunding which got 5x over the initial £40,000 target To:ky:oo focused more on the neon lights and bright colours but his new book After Dark goes for a more darker more depressed theme he travelled around the world visiting different city’s such as Seoul, Paris, London, Chongqing, Osaka, Hong Kong and his hometown city in Edinburgh. there are about 200 images in his photobook the photos in his book are a collection of photos from different city all over the world collected over years, Liam Wong decided he didn’t want to make a separate book for each city and decided to make a book with all of the best photos he got from each city

Case Study Robbie Shone

Robbie shone is a cave explore and visual story teller Robbie is recognised as one of the most accomplished cave photographer in the world he base in the heart of the alps near the scenic alpine town of Innsbruck, Austria he has developed a strong interest in caving and in particular the challenge that cave photography has to offer.

over 25 years Robbie has produced stunning pieces of work that has been featured in national and international publications including magazines, national geographic national geographic science, GEO, Time, stern, view and terra mater and books (nat geo) the most popular Instagram photos, night vision (nat geo), spectacle (nat geo), almanac 2019, (nat geo,)

Statement of Intent

What I found out during the last photography mock is that I am good at night photography and that my night photos are a lot better then my day time photos what I want to explore doing during the night photography is trying to get a good photo during very low light and trying to use my light source to light up a large dark area however I would also like to do more industrial and natural locations such as a forest and industrial areas during night time I would also like to do more urban photography however I do want to get more of a variety of photo rather than just urban, I also want to do more abandoned and historical sites of jersey I think that would turn out good if done correctly. my urbans an city photography I will be taking inspiration form Liam Wong just because he’s done some really good work and the photographs that he produces are amazing and are visually appealing. I will also be taking inspiration from Chris Burkard who has some great natural long exposure night photography.

photoshoot plan

I am planning on going to different places around the island such as abandoned buildings and bunkers left from world war 2 these places that I will be visiting will hopefully turn out good and be good enough for my project.

the places that I will be going to is st peters valley, Bouley bay, gory, north of the island and st catherines and maybe some other places but these are the main areas I will be going to take some photos

I want to take some photos that sort of look like this but put my own twist on it.

mood board Observe, challenge and seek

this mood board just shows what words I corelate to observe, challenge and seek I think my project will be more about observing and seeking rather them challenging just because the style of the photos I take they don’t really challenge any stereotypes or governments or anything really.