All posts by Beattriz Soares



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teenage gaze:

To gaze is to look steadily and intently at something, especially at that which excites admiration, curiosity. The teenage gaze is an often oppressive point of view that draws from youth for the adult creators and viewers of Euphoria. Teen gaze is to present to others how teenagers can be misunderstood by others, it is to express their life through their eyes and to create a new meaning to teens.

petra collins

Petra Collins is a multi-talented artist and director whose photography set the stylistic tone for much of the 2010s. Shooting since the age of 15, her work is fueled by self-discovery and a contemporary femininity which explore the complex intersection of life as a young woman online and off. Collins weaves through the worlds of art, fashion, film, and music. She is currently working on her narrative feature debut set to shoot in 2021.

 mood board

what I will be including in my projects are things that relate to the teen gaze, I will be taking candid pictures of my friends during the time we are out and use the mood board of Petra Collins work as inspiration.

virtual gallery

photoshoot 2

final images for second photoshoot

my plan

For the photoshoot I plan on going out during the evening with a friend. my idea for this photoshoot is to expose the experience of going out as a teen at night. The photoshoot will include socialising while having a couple of drinks and smoking to present the experience of going out as a teen in the evening, the reason I am including this is because majority of teens go out in the evening to socially drink with friends, some adults may see this as a bad thing so I will be presenting to them what it looks like through our eyes. I that I am able to capture

the outcome

For the outcome of my second photoshoot Emily and I went out during the evening to an event Splash Sunday which is held for teens and young adults at the Watersplash in St Ouens from 6-9pm. The photoshoot includes socialising while having a couple of drinks and smoking, I have used these photos to expose the two sides of what its like for teens to go out, both photoshoots contain the same theme to socialise, have some drinks and listen to music however the experience between the two is quite different. The photos contain soft colours of yellow and orange as the sun sets which then goes into light and dark blue with some white/grey tones from the smoke, at first when the sun is starting the set the tone is warm and light but then turns dark that give a cold tone.

photoshoot 1

final images for first photoshoot

My plan

For the first photoshoot I plan to have a picnic with my friends on a field. I wish to capture candid photos throughout the day on my phone to create a more raw lifelike teen scenery instead of creating stages shots, I did this to present a teen theme as teenagers tend to take candid photos on their phone. I plan on making the first photoshoot the opposite to the second photoshoot to show both sides of a teenagers life. The reason I plan on making my first photoshoot the opposite to the second is to expose the two sides of what it’s like for teenagers to go out, both shoots will contain the same theme to socialise with friends. The aesthetic I will be looking for is warm and comforting with some bold colours.

The outcome

The outcome of my first photoshoot went as planned my friends and I went up to a field in Greve de lecq on the north coast of Jersey and had a picnic 3 minutes from the beach, I captured candid photos throughout the day on my phone of random points during the event. The colours in the shoot was vibrant with the main bright colours of green, red, blue and pink. There was a clear sky so the sun was out which made the grass and scenery lighter, the photos were taken at eye level some from a distance and some up close. I took multiple shoots of many thing so I was able to chose different images which I thought would fit the aesthetic more.

final images

These are the final images in which I have edited and chosen

statement of intent

I am going to explore teen gaze in my course study, the significance behind teen gaze is to present the real meaning of youth life and to experience it through their eyes among photographs. Teen gaze images are often taken as candid photos, the reason is that this is able to capture the raw moment in youth. The motivation as to why I picked teen gaze as my focus on the study is to display to the audience how adolescence get misunderstood and mistreated, it’s to also present how majority of people experience the same phases during their youth. Teen gaze can open the eyes of the people in adulthood and help them understand the emotions in teens. I wish to produce a photobook with the photos I have in the field, splash Sunday event and when I was in Madeira, the reason I have taken multiple shots during a long period of time is to properly present the teen gaze.

How I wish to take the photographs is by taking snapshots I will be doing this by randomly taking candid photos, how I will be doing this is by using my phone to take photos at any point during the events. The reason for this is because teenagers rarely take staged photos unless they wish to post them, teen gaze is mainly evolved around seeing the life through a teenagers eyes to show how people mistake them for this reason I will be using my phone to present the idea more clearly about teens and seeing it through my eyes.

What I will be including in my project are multiple snapshot of my friends and two still life photos. The aesthetic and style I will be producing is warm and comforting. The people that will be included in the photos are my friends as my theme is teen gaze. The images will be taken as a documentary in a natural environment outside as these are the type of places teenagers mainly spend their time especially during warmer periods. How I wish to produce the photobook is starting with the images taken at on the field the reason behind this is because the photos were during the day, the colours are more vibrant and it present what teens typically do during the day to socialise outside in the sun with their friends. I will then use the images of Emily during the Splash Sunday event at the end of my photobook as these were taken in the evening, and also presents what teens do during that time which is to go out and socialise while having some drinks. The photos of Emily will be paired with the two still life images of the wine and book.

photobook: final layout


selecting images

I flagged all of the photos that I liked and to pick the photos that I wanted to use as my final images I flagged green whereas the photos I was still unsure about using in my final outcome was flagged yellow

before & after

to edit my images I increased the contrast and decreased the exposure to make the colours more vibrant and stand out, this effect exposes a more comforting and warm style showing the bright colours. I applied all of this to every photo I chose for my final.