photobook research and analysis

1. Research a photo-book and describe the story it is communicating  with reference to subject-matter, genre and approach to image-making. 9 what it is about, i.e., landscape, how images were made)

As a part of making my own photo book I have looked at Pamela Roberts’ book called ‘the genius of colour photography’. She made the book to gather a large range of colour photography, looking into the autochrome and many other early processes all the way to current processes. Colour photography has been developing since day one and now we can see just how much it has changed looking through Roberts’ book.

2. Who is the photographer? Why did he/she make it? (intentions/ reasons) Who is it for? (audience) How was it received? (any press, reviews, awards, legacy etc.)

In the book Pamela Roberts has looking into many different photographers such as William Eggleston, Saul Leiter and many others. I think this book is made for people who have an eye for colour and who appreciate the colour in images.

3. Deconstruct the narrative, concept and design of the book and apply theory above when considering:

  • Book in hand: how does it feel? Smell, sniff the paper.

the book has a glossy finish which I think works well with the different colours especially the image on the front cover.

  • Paper and ink: use of different paper/ textures/ colour or B&W or both.

The images in the book also have a glossy finish which I think makes them stand out more and engage the viewer.

  • Binding, soft/hard cover. image wrap/dust jacket. saddle stitch/swiss binding/ Japanese stab-binding/ leperello

The book has a soft cover which has a flap on the inside of the front cover which has more information about the book.

  • Cover: linen/ card. graphic/ printed image. embossed/ debossed. letterpress/ silkscreen/hot-stamping.

it has a card cover with a glossy finish and the image on the front is printed straight onto it.

  • Title: literal or poetic / relevant or intriguing.

The title of the book is very straight forward and to the point, it describes exactly what the book is and why you may want to read it.

  • Narrative: what is the story/ subject-matter. How is it told?

I think the story is told through images and text to make it clear to the reader/ viewer and for those who may only just be learning about it now.

  • Design and layout: image size on pages/ single page, double-spread/ images/ grid, fold- outs/ inserts.

Many of the images are presented in a large size to make the detail more clear and visible which I think I will do in my photobook too.

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