Artist Reference Comparison

Visually my outcomes can only be compared to 2 of the 3 artist references, that being the work of Woody Gooch and Hiroshi Sugimoto. Although Cartier Bresson’s ideas can be referenced in terms of the ‘split second’ ideas of the Decisive Moment.

Hiroshi Sugimoto

An image from Sugiomoto’s photo series ‘Seascapes’.

A response of mine taking inspiration from Sugimoto’s work, incorporating Sugimoto’s ideas of minimalism along with an in water/surf photography twist. The two outcomes can be compared in terms of their similar well balanced composition with an evident split between sea and sky, the use of a black and white colour palette and a simple, clean, minimalist approach.

Woody Gooch

An Image by Woody Gooch

A response of mine taking inspiration from Woody Gooch’s work, incorporating aspects of Gooch’s work. The two images can be compared in terms of their composition and focal point, the focal point being the smooth sea in the foreground with reflections of sunlight. The composition being the even split between sea and sky, once again taking on a minimalist approach.

An Image by Woody Gooch

A response of mine taking inspiration from Woody Gooch’s aspects of in water surf photography. The two images can be compared in terms of their similar foregrounds/backgrounds, subject and overall composition. The subject being a surfer in motion followed by a breaking wave in the background and smooth glassy sea taking up the bottom third of the image/foreground.

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