Paris Archive

When working in Lightroom on the outcomes I have recently worked on, I reminded myself of the initial plan for the project, which was to start with archive images of the previous summer where I have done a lot of travelling which would link nicely to my own idea for this project. However because I had these images of my film camera it took longer then expected to get it developed. However in the meantime, I looked for alternative images. This is how I came across Paris photoshoot which the images were taken on a school trip to Paris earlier in November.

Because this was a photoshoot done before the exam, I had already selected the best photographs, which are shown bellow.

Final images

I have shortened my selection, and slightly edited them further, however the images already had some work done on them. I would want to present these images with my other trips, like the most recent one; Norway, as well as combining other archival photographs once I get prints from the developed film.

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