Photoshoot 4 – Portraits

This shoot was inspired by my artist reference, David Llada, who take photographs of players during a chess tournament. I aim to show focus and concentration through my photographs in order to display how we observe the game while coming up with strategies.

I took this shoot at home, creating a small game set up while making sure to keep a blank background to make my friend the main focus of the image. In order to capture her natural expressions we ended up playing a small match against each other, which i found also helped to make the set up of the board game look more realistic.

I turned this image to grey scale as it helps to highlight the light and darkness of the image, bringing our attention to the playing pieces. I also am fond of the body language presented in this image, with her head in her hand suggesting that shes stumped as to what move to make while her other hand is preparing to reach out and move a piece.

Similarly to the photo before, I think that this image displays her body language really well, conveying across to the viewer that she’s concentrating hard on what move to make next. Additionally, I am fond of the composition of the image and the way that it was taken from a slight angle, making it one of my best images overall.

Lastly, I think that this image provides us with a good idea of what its like to observe, seek and challenge through chess with her body language once again showing how she is observing the game in front of her. The more determined look on her face also suggests to us that the game is difficult but she is still looking for a way to win.

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