Photoshoot 5 – Masks

This shoot aims to show how we ‘bluff’ or deceive our opponents by masking our emotions. While having different meanings behind the use of mask, this shoot was inspired by the conceptual artist Gillian Wearing and her mask identity photos.

This shoot was created at home, using a small game set up as well as a mirror. Since I don’t have the money to be able to buy the high quality prosthetic masks that Wearing uses in her photos, I settled for a plain white mask which still turned out well and also showcases what I had intended to do so.

I think that the muted tones in this image really help to create the dramatic effect I was going for. I also really like the composition of this photo as it links well to the main idea I had for bluffing, especially with the way one of the cards is covering the mouth of the mask.

Similarly to the photo above, I really like the composition of the image, however they differ due to the angle and colouring of them. This image gives off a more dejected feel to it, creating a sense of sadness for the viewer but ultimately still showcasing an exaggerated perspective of bluffing.

I selected this photo as one of my best images due to the composition. I think that the photo creates lots of different meanings behind it that can be up to the viewers interpretation, for example it could be symbolism for how shes changing the game, making the photo interesting to look at.

Lastly, i personally think that this is one of my best images as the colour, composition and overall final feel of the photo turned out well. The darkness and contrast helps to create a dramatic feel to it, while the placement of her hand on the mask makes it seem as though she’s shushing it which links back to bluffing.

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