Norway Photoshoot


One of the main things I have gathered from this photoshoot is that compared to the plan, I have far less opportunities to take the photographs than I had expected. A lot of the imagery that I really liked, came from travelling from one place to another, for example, on coaches, busses, planes etc… I also think images that show movement related more to what I was trying to communicate through the images. When it came to taking the photos I have to use many different settings in my camera, as the subjects varied dramatically.


I have selected photographs of the best quality, and ones I thought were showing the experience in the best way.


When it came to editing, I first separated the images that I knew I would want to keep in colour from those I wanted to edit into black and white. The reason behind choosing black and white is that the images had very little colour, so I thought having them in black and white can also relate to romanticism and the similarities to Ansel Adams.

Final images

Overall, I expected to produce a higher amount of successful outcomes throughout this photoshoot due to having such a wide timeframe. I also think that the editing of the images has helped massively, as many of them were out of focus, and due to the lack of sun and the time of year, there were not many colours to fall back on. I am extremely happy that this link between mine and Ansel Adams’ images is clear to see. And I am glad that the overall photoshoot as well as images challenged me, to take, as well as to edit. I also think this photoshoot relates to the main themes, observe, seek, challenge, as well as relating to my own targets.

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