These images were taken during and before a girls birthday party. This photoshoot was to reflect this idea of ‘girlhood’ and the stereotypical view of how girls dress at parties, specifically for the male gaze. In these images there are a range of portraits and close ups of hair and accessories. During the editing process I kept the aesthetic of the digital camera, reinforcing the style of my artist reference Nancy Honey. Honey photographed this idea of ‘girlhood’ in a sense documenting the evolution of their feminine identity. During the process of editing the pictures, I adjusted the tone of the images to more cooler blues and purples, which has connotations of calm, relaxed, and reserved, then warmer yellow tones. The cool tones immediately changed the aesthetic of the images by adding purples hues, which is stereotypically a more feminine colour. Furthermore connotations of cool colours are often associated with feelings of calmness, relaxation, tranquillity or sometimes even melancholy, which can be seen through Honeys photography work.

Furthermore I decreased the exposure to sharpen the leading lines of the images (which is where your eyes follow in the photograph), however I also increased the highlights in order to bring some of the brightness of the flash back into the image, more so by enhancing the highlights in the image you are able to see the highlight point of the young girls faces. In some images I decided to add a white vignette in order to directly focus on the portraits of the girls and what they are doing, whether is it posing or laughing. By adding a white vignette it further brightens the image creating this bright grainy aesthetic of digital camera’s back in the day. By using the white vignette it is also improving the focal point of the images directly drawing the audience, and by brightening the overall image.

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