Photoshoot 3

Due to this photoshoot being similar to my first, My inspiration was again Andreas Varro. This is due to our similar use of artificial lighting and the dystopian look that we both aimed to get.

For this photoshoot I decided to do it after the sun went down, I did this to eliminate all natural lighting that could intrude into my pictures, I did this photoshoot in a bedroom at my house to create a natural setting. I used 1 model who was a female and took various images of her in bed while on her mobile phone. To achieve the outcome that I wanted I took multiple images of her in different positions and asked her to represent her ‘Natural state’ meaning to portray what she is usually like when she in in bed on her phone.


In conclusion I feel that this photoshoot really portrays the dystopian reality of todays consumption of technology from an outside point of view of how isolated a person is/looks in their usual day to day life’s. I am very happy with how the images turned out and I am looking forward to editing them in the future.

Final edits

I edited all of the above images above on Lightroom classic to develop these pictures into the tones that I was looking for. To do this on all of my pictures I exaggerated the contrast so that it strongly appeared that in all of my images that the artificial cool lighting really defined my models facial structure and impressions that they where displaying. I also wanted the background in the image to be purely black so to achieve this I made the exposure more powerful so that the viewers only look at the focal points of the image.

Image comparision with Andreas Varro

The image that I made and developed on the right was produced to share some relation with the image on the right made by Andreas Varro. The similarities between our images are quite evident such as both of our focal points are female models sat with or on their phones on a bed in their bedroom. Individually both images significantly display and represent to the viewers the dystopian reality that we live in, in todays society as this is so many peoples reality. The differences between our images though are that In Varro’s image he used the use of both natural and artificial lighting to aluminate the background of the image where as In my image I purely only used artificial lighting from the mobile phone to create more of an unsettling persoonia and feel, and to also covey the model as blocking out the reality that surrounds her while only focusing on her screen.

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