Statement of Intent

From my review and reflection of Bill Brant and Barbra Kruger i have decided to take the word ‘observe’ and use it to observe the human body. After looking at Brants images of hands, arms and legs on the beach I want to take similar pictures. To further develop my project I will include some work similar to Kruger, by taking inspiration from her it will link back to the idea of the female gaze as a lot of her work is on tackling the everyday assumptions of females in contemporary society.My take on her work will be a modern day approach. The female gaze is a feminist theory term referring to the gaze of the female spectator, character or director of an artistic work, but more than the gender it is an issue of representing women as subjects having agency. Kruger’s work shows aspects of the female gaze in her work, such as images of women with quotes like ‘your body is a battleground’. I also look to take images of things other than the body such a weird shaped fruit and vegetables. By photographing this it may resemble the body it also allows me to break up my project from just being about the human body.

My images will mainly be staged so that i get the outcome that I want. Once i have got all of my images i want to create a photobook presenting all my best images from shoots.

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