Statement of intent

For my project I have decided to look at the concept of female rage. The definition of female rage is an expression of emotion that comes from experiencing sexism, gender inequality, or any form of injustice directed at women. I chose to look at this topic as not only does it fit with the theme ‘observe, seek and challenge’ it is also something I can understand and relate to. Being a female comes with many challenges and the social inability to expose yourself to emotions such as anger is one of them. A women that displays anger will be viewed as unstable and crazy whereas it is acceptable for a man. As a female myself, I relate and resonate with this topic and intend to create my own depiction of female rage using my own images and ideas.

For this project I am going to photograph women/girls in staged situations that I believe depict female rage, whether internalised or obvious. I want to present the ways in which we express our emotions and show that is not always clear as we have been taught not to show our anger as it isn’t considered ‘lady-like’. This includes representing unhealthy coping mechanisms many women find themselves taking part in to deal with their built up repressed emotions. I plan to turn my images into a photobook as I think that will be the most impactful way of displaying them.

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