Statement of Intent

What I found out during the last photography mock is that I am good at night photography and that my night photos are a lot better then my day time photos what I want to explore doing during the night photography is trying to get a good photo during very low light and trying to use my light source to light up a large dark area however I would also like to do more industrial and natural locations such as a forest and industrial areas during night time I would also like to do more urban photography however I do want to get more of a variety of photo rather than just urban, I also want to do more abandoned and historical sites of jersey I think that would turn out good if done correctly. my urbans an city photography I will be taking inspiration form Liam Wong just because he’s done some really good work and the photographs that he produces are amazing and are visually appealing. I will also be taking inspiration from Chris Burkard who has some great natural long exposure night photography.

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