Research Notes – ‘Glimpses of Jersey: A Collection of Interesting Stories and Traditions’, John Manning

2 Stories revolving around La Rocqueberg (Witch’s Rock)

Story 1

A young girl’s fiancé walked alone past the rock one night and witnessed a witches Sabbath. He was invited to join these beautiful maidens the following night, to dance and have fun. Out of fear, the young girl sought advice from the parish priest who gave a crucifix with instructions to follow her fiancé and use the crucifix against the forces of evil.

She did so and found him surrounded by haggard old witches that held her fiancé under a spell that forced him to regard them as beautiful young women. The young girl could see them for what they truly were because she held the crucifix. She threw at the witches and broke the spell on her fiancé who now saw the hags running away out of fear of God. The couple never saw them again.

Story 2

It was believed that witches would conjure great storms from the rock as fisherman sailed by on their way home with their catch. The fisherman were forced to give the witches every 13th fish or else be swarmed by the storm and their ship wrecked and all on board drowned.

However, one man refused to comply and upon apporaching the rock and into the storm, where the witches began to sing. He held a five rayed starfish and cut off one of its rays. He threw this into the midst of the witches shouting, ” The cross is my passport”. The fish landed amongst the witches and they were never seen on the rock again.

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