
For this Photoshoot I am planning on doing it both inside and outside. The model will be in a bath robe by a window to re create an image taken by Nancy Honey, however I will also use the model in the bath robe to more position in different places including a garden and the beach to create my own interpretation of her work. For the images taken outside, I plan on using natural lighting and changing the appeture to manipulate the exposure and how much light is exposed to the camera.

Furthermore, i will also be conducting some images inside in a bedroom to recreate some of both Nancy Honey’s and Cindy Shermans images. An issue that i might come across is that the bedroom which I am planning to use lacks a lot of natural lighting therefore, I may have to resort to using the ceiling lights which may give off a slightly warm impression onto the camera. Another way in which I could overcome this issue is by experimenting with the cameras flash.


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Editing Process:

Editing Process:

When editing these images, I did come across an issue in which I did think would happen. When conducting the photos in the bedroom, the images did turn out with a warm tint. However, I managed to overcome this issue slightly through Adobe LightRoom. I reduced the ‘temperature’ of the image to make it more clear and reduce the orange tinge as much as I could without it looking bad. In addition, the images taken outside I used Lightroom to reduce the ‘highlights’ from the imaged to define some of the models features, for example, her collar bones.

Photoshoot One Evaluation:

Overall, I think that this photo shoot went well. I stuck to my artist reference for inspiration and believe that my images turned out good and the photos I have taken are clear and stick to the theme of observe, seek and challenge. However, this shoot could have been improved by taking more images which would allow me to have a wider selection to pick from and edit. I also think that the photo shoot could have further been improved by getting the model in more positions and poses which would also further increased the variety of images I would be able to pick from for my final images.

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