Creating the photobook

Overall I am Very happy with the result of my photobook. My aim was to create a clear story of the contrast between technology and nature and I think That I achieved this. Starting this project I had a clear visual representation in my mind of how I wanted to lay it out, which was every couple of dystopian, technology images I wanted to include a double page spread of nature to contrast the two worlds and really open the viewers eyes. I am excited to see how the book looks in person.

Throughout the book I chose various lay outs to give my pictures more personality. I managed to to this by pressing the drop down button below my page and then choosing from the various layouts that I have been given. I only did this for my images of technology as I wanted all my images of nature to be on a double page spread.

I chose this image as my front cover as I feel like its the best photo I have taken that expresses the story I want to tell. Due to the mixture of the female models attention being on their iPhone when Surrounded by nature. Originally I wanted this image to cover the front and back of the book but due to the size of it being too small I needed to select an old image for the back of my book.

For my first page I wanted to have this darker, more dystopian image on a double page spread due to it being one of the most captivating photos I have produced, But again due to the image size I was unable to do this as it would come out pixelated. So instead I choses to have the image covering only one side leaving the other side blank so the main focus is still on that one singular image.

For my Last image in my photobook I chose this one due to its difference to the others but yet conveys a strong, powerful message of how addictive technology is. I also did this to leave the viewers of my photobook with the distinctive message. Overall I wanted my photobook to related to all 3 of the verbs given such as, Observing: observing the destructive use of technology around us. Seeking: Seeking nature in todays society and Challenge: Challenging technology addiction. This image relates to the last point of challenging addictive behaviours that are frequently seen in todays society.

For my title I decided to name my book “The present” Firstly because of the irony of it as my photobook is basically describing how people are not living in the present on their mobile phones and secondly because this is the reality of the present time and how most people live their life glued to their phone.

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