Photoshoot 1 – Playing pieces.

This photo shoot aims to use lighting in order to make the game pieces appear more interesting. This, in turn, will balance out the other more complex images making it more visually pleasing for the viewer, since having too much going on will confuse the viewer on where to direct their attention. I took these images at home, creating a set up studio and using a floor light to create my lighting.

For editing, I plan to keep the consistent theme throughout all my shoot’s of having my photographs contrasted and the colours more muted down to make the images more aesthetically pleasing to look at as well as creating a connection between them.

I have selected this photo as one of my best images due to the way it focuses our attention onto the playing pieces through the lighting and the blurring of the opposing pieces. I also really like the amount of detail that can be seen here, for example the reflection on the board, as well as the angle that the image was taken.

This is one of my best images as I find it appears very clean and concise. While there inst a whole lot going on in the photograph itself I think it is still very successful in how nothing takes our focus away from the playing pieces. It also doesn’t feel crowded which means it will be a useful image to have when paring it up beside a more complex.

I chose this image as one of my best images also due to the composition and layout of it. While lighting isn’t a key factor here, the way that the checker’s pieces are sprawled out across the board creates an interesting arrangement that draws in the viewers attention.

Here we are able to see the texture of the board as well as how the lighting highlights the left side of the board, casting the shadows of the chess pieces. Overall, I think that the image is visually pleasing and provides us with a good account of the aesthetic of the game. I am also fond of the angle that the image was taken since I feel as though this helps to create more dramatic feel for the image.

Lastly, I selected this photograph since I find the muted colours create a more calming feel which contrasts against the many different games being shown in the picture. I also find the lighting here to be engaging and helps the viewer to focus their attention so the rest of the image doesn’t become too distracting.

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