Tunnel Photoshoot

Photoshoot –

Compared to my plan, the photoshoot turned out slightly different, as instead of doing both of the trips in one day, my friends and I split it between two separate days. Therefore, on the second day I was more aware of how the trip goes and was able to prepare myself with more equipment such as a stronger torch to aid with lighting as there was no natural light at the time of this shoot. Even though I knew we would not take long on the trip, I brought extra clothes as I was aware the temperature inside the tunnel would be drastically lower than the temperature outside.


I have selected photographs of the best quality, and ones I thought were showing the experience in the best way.


When it comes to editing I was able to copy the same editing style throughout the images, the main features I did change depending on the subject of the photograph was the exposure, as most were under exposed. The main feature I did highlight were the exposure, sharpness and clarity. Editing these picture was more difficult, as due to the under exposure of them, their sharpness and focus deteriorated. However, I tried my best to increase the black as well as the shadows in lightroom, to brighten the image.

Final Images

Overall, due to the flash photography I was required to use, the images appear alike each other. But because this photoshoot, like the rest of them, focuses on discovery, I think the final images depict subject that had the most effect on me due to their uniqueness.

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