Observe, Seek, Challenge


This is my first basic idea that I might choose

Still life photographer – I like this artists images for capturing objects that link to family, which connect with the ‘seek’ part of this topic. I want to seek into the lives of my family members to seek and observe their past.]

Alec Soth

Rita puig serra costa – where mimosa bloom

julian german

André Kertész

For the portraits these are some of the photographers that I like the editing style of:

Dorothea Lange

Diane Arbus

Robert Frank

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Because I want to capture a full story of my family, I will also photograph places, inside and out. I like Henri Cartier-Bresson’s style of photographing spaces.

Key aspects for these shoots/ images will be light. After studying Rinko Kawauchi, I have learnt the importance of light, and the emotions it draws.

Different lighting techniques:





Different angles: above, underneath, sides

Bright/ dark


I also like the idea of making short films for each family member

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