3rd Artist refrence

Marsel van

Marsal van is a Dutch photographer who specialises in nature and wildlife photography. He started his career in advertising. As an art director at various renowned agencies and has won numerous awards for his captivating work. Van made a Dutch nature conservation organisation which is representative of both his creative and emotional approach to communication as well as his love for the natural world and his concern for the environment. After a trip to Tanzania and Van’s close encounters with animals really sparked his love for wildlife and drew a deeper passion for photography. Now van’s lives in South Africa when he is not traveling and runs specialised nature photography tours for people to destinations worldwide. Van’s has been rewarded “Travel photographer of the year” and the overall winner of “Wildlife photographer of the year”

Image analysis

This captivating image by Marsel vanis really stuck out to me Due to my project being about the contrast of technology and nature this image brings the both worlds together. The dystopian effect of the monkey in the natural lake while holding a manmade item helps portray the theme of addiction towards technology. I also feel that the use of the closest species to man is significant in the evolution in animals but still how they conflict with humans due to this image looking unnatural. I admire the way that the lighting in this image is natural with the innate tones of the money and the bold focal point of the mobile phone.

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