Mood board observe, seek, challenge


The Concept of liminal space; areas that convey an eerie sense of nostalgia/familiarity.

Patterns; repetitive visuals, or frequent occurrences.

The sublime; nature, landscapes, natural but expressive areas/things.

Events; parties, meetings, festivals, common gatherings.

Society; people in their natural environment.


Freedom; areas or things that express freedom.

Happiness; things or actions that can be seen to create happiness, for example expressing it through pain, peace etc.

Peace; through nature, solitude, dopamine, serotonin.

Power; the cause for power, or gaining power (like politics).

Meaning; a hidden context behind something, even a tree, it has hidden meanings.

Adventure: Areas that show journey, with possibly no end.


Controversy; race, gender, peoples views.

death; challenging the feeling of fear/pain.

Mental challenges; challenging temptation through addiction, illness, loneliness.

Competition; through achieving.

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