Observe, Seek and Challenge

Definition of the verbs:

Observe:  to watch somebody/​something carefully, especially to learn more about them or it: The patients were observed over a period of several months

Synonyms of Observe

  • study.
  • examination.
  • inspection.
  • monitoring.
  • review.
  • surveillance.
  • watching.

Seek: the act of searching for something.

Synonyms of seek

  • pursue
  • hunt
  • search
  • chase
  • quest

Challenge: something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability

Synonyms of challenge

  • objection.
  • exception.
  • question.
  • complaint.
  • protest.
  • difficulty.

My first idea when I heard the 3 themes was to take pictures of the natural world around us such as animals, plants and general wildlife. The more I thought bout the idea I started thinking about the actual world that humans have created such as technology. Since 2007 when the first iPhone was developed , it have become a common mannerism in 1st world countries to be on their phone. Globally the average screen time is around 7 hours

These statistics mean that the majority of these users are getting preoccupied by technology and spending less time observing the real and natural world that was given to us.

This is also having a physical effect on peoples eyesight as Near-sightedness is on a rise world wide, due to the lack of observing objects from far away.

I am incorporating it into the themes that we are assigned such as ‘Observing’ the world around us (the rise in technology) ‘Seeking’ for nature and ‘Challenging’ the addictive behaviours that the world is becoming immune to.

If I did follow along with this idea then it would be classified as a documentary, inspired by page 28 from exam booklet

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