St Aubin and Sand Dunes


I tried to follow my basic plan for this photoshoot, however I added another location to photograph on top of the planned photo shoot. The reason for this addition was because I though about the theme of traveling, and thought I could get a wider variety of images. The images I finally ended up producing were of 2 locations instead of one as well as photographing the journey from one place to another.


I have selected photographs of the best quality, and ones I though were showing the experience in the best way . I selected some that showed this shift from 1 place to another, to show a storyline of the experience as well as the order of events.


For the sub-selection I was able to copy the same editing style throughout the images of similar qualities, ones that had a similar exposure or showed a similar subject or view. I haven’t changed the images too much, just made subtle changes like sharpness and clarity but colours of the photographs stayed roughly the same.

For the above image I had to use another tool which, when an area was selected , it abled me to control the exposure of that specific area instead of the whole photograph. This was useful for this image as I wanted to reduce the exposure of a certain area where the sun was setting behind the trees, but keep the rest relatively the same.

Final Images

Overall the result of the photoshoot was different than what I have planned, however I achieved spontaneous photographs, by not having a plan for the rest of the photoshoot, it allowed me to be more experimentative with the pictures, and what I was photographing. I like how many of them show this movement from place to place, which links well to showing the adventurous topic I am focusing on. I also produced many different outcomes, some close ups and some landscape photographs. I like a lo of the images from this photoshoot therefore, when it comes to me making a zine from this trip it might be a bit bigger than other photoshoots.

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