Observe, Seek, Challenge – Moodboard & Ideas


I aimed to dissect and analyse the topic title as a whole, segregating each word into their own category and Including photos that somewhat resonate with them and also match the sort of photos I wish to take.


  • Observe: I can take pictures which are landscape, showing a scene or view of somewhere in Jersey. Jersey does get some very good sunsets at evenings, in all sorts of colour varieties. Another thing I could take landscape photos of are different views and angles of town and the several estates dotted around Jersey, making reference to my estate photos I took during my Anthropocene project, which I also believe are some of my best photos taken. I’d like to have my photos focus on the world and society as a whole, just people getting on with their day and going about life, getting up to all sorts of activities and events.
  • Seek: For this, I am not sure, to seek something you would have to want something, and we people all want something different, and often a lot more than just one thing. It could involve exploring the world to see all sorts of places, achieving a goal such as climbing the highest mountain or competing and becoming the champion in a worldwide sport. Or simply to find meaning in life, which is at the same time virtually impossible. To encapsulate these sorts of things in one photo would be difficult, but I could make photos that can enable anyone who views them to make their own interpretation on it, and apply to themselves and what they want. Something like taking photos of someone who is showing an emotion, but with their identity hidden, perhaps with a colour being shone onto them to reflect their emotions. Similar to my photoshoot a while ago which I named “Headshots”.
  • Challenge: I want to make photos that go against the norm and equilibrium. Something new that people haven’t seen before. This could be of something abstract, full or empty of colour, contrasting or simple, confusing or straight forward. I could take photos of something that people see everyday but never take notice of or appreciate.

Some photos I’m taking inspiration from are:

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