mind map of ideas

Throughs out my project I want to include more abstract views of colour. I think that in many of the images above they look as if they are been set up however, they haven’t which it what I want to try and achieve in my photoshoots. I think that this makes the images more engaging and and gives them more detail for the viewers. From this they can discover the detail and whilst my images will hopefully tell a background story, they can also use their imagination to add their own. I think a main focal point for me when taking images will be vehicles. I think that these are a good subject to photograph especially when it comes to colour. Whilst they may not look the same anymore as they have developed hugely, I still believe they will add to my project and make a great image. I am also going to look for more odd colour objects that may not jump into our mind when first thinking about the sort of things that we would typically see. I hope that these images will add to my project and give depth to it.

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