Statement of intent

I would want to explore adventure through the photographs as it response well to all : challenge, seek, observe. to me all these aspects are mostly seen when seeking for travel and exploration. To me specifically I see traveling having an impact on my future, therefore choosing to focus on a subject I know I will be passionate about photographing I hope will result in great outcomes.

I am planning to start by collecting archival images from my last summer, where I went for a trip with my 2 friends where we camped in another country with no plan, I will look for photographs taken in the past where I was exploring other cities, towns, countries etc. I then plan on a series of photoshoots where I will have a huge difference in my outcomes. Although I will have different outcomes, the theme of the photoshoots would be the same, most of the work will be outdoors and challenging me to get out and seek for adventure.

I will begin my study by diving into photo albums that include pictures of travel, I then want to plan a photoshoot revolving around rural landscapes and some urban. As I am limited to Jersey, I plan to explore jerseys some hidden some obvious points, and hopefully discover things that I can capture through the lens.

When it comes to photoshoots I will collect pictures of objects that carry sentimental value from the previous trips and hold memories. A lot of the photographs however I think will revolve around rural landscapes, where I can tap in into romanticism. However I also wish to photograph people, where I want to capture moments of people living, not posing, I want to capture the beauty and nature within people, to catch them is a natural settings. This means photographing subjects in motion, in the moment scenarios, instead of pre planned studio photoshoots. Meaning most of the pictures will be taken outside the images will be more documentary and observational, however I might have to stage a couple to get the desired look.

I will make sure to be very experimental with the images I create. Experimenting with different angels, ways of taking photographs, I want to especially explore underwater photography, or strive for an underwater photography effect. Other ways I will achieve interesting photographs could be through zooming in onto subject photographs not only from one distance.

Some of the images might be taken by different mediums of photography, this being shot on film, digital camera, or polaroid’s, I love film photography so I will try to use it the most when possible, but when it might not be possible I can always achieve a similar effect through image altering in photoshop or Lightroom. Depending on the format and how well the images compliment each other the sequence of them might change. I think adding in a more older look to the photographs will also enhance the meaning of them being documentary, taken in the past, reminiscing on the adventures etc.

When it comes to presenting my outcomes I am still unsure how I would present them exactly, however I know that I don’t want to make a photobook, instead I will look for other ways to display my outcomes.

Overall, the outcome I want to achieve will be to have a series of images that are of adventurous nature, images that are discovery and look fun. I want them to how travel and exploration through travel. I want to show that even in a restricted island it is still possible to find beauty and be adventurous regarding it’s size.

One thought on “Statement of intent”

  1. Wiktoria, make sure that publish 2 artists case studies and also produce 2 photoshoots/ photographic responses before you return on Monday 25 March for Mock exam.

    See guidelines here for artist references and photoshoots


    Research and analyse the work of at least 2-3 (or more) photographers/ artists. Explore, discuss, describe and explain key examples of their work relevant to your project and intentions. Follow these steps:

    1. Produce a mood board with a selection of images and write an overview of their work, its visual style, meaning and methods. Describe why you have selected to study their work and how it relates to the exam themes of OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE

    2. Select at least one key image and analyse in depth using methodology of TECHNICAL>VISUAL>CONTEXTUAL>CONCEPTUAL

    3. Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art/ media /film critics, art/ media/ film historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc. Make sure you reference sources and embed links in your blog post.

    4. Compare and contrast your chosen artists in terms of similarities and differences in their approaches, techniques and outcomes of their work.


    PLANNING & RECORDING: Produce a number of photographic responses to your exam theme and bring images from new photo-shoots to lessons:

    Plan at least 3-5 shoots in response to your ideas and artists references. What, why, who, how, when, where?
    Save shoots in folder on Media Drive: and import into Lightroom
    Organisation: Create a new Collection from each new shoot inside Collection Set: EXAM
    Editing: select 8-12 images from each shoot.
    Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions
    Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
    Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused on in each shoot and how you intend to develop your next shoot.
    Make references to artists references, previous shoots, experiments etc.

    Export same set of images from Lightroom as JPEG (4000 pixels)

    Demonstrate further creativity using Photoshop to make composite/ montage/ typology/ grids/ diptych/triptych, text/ typology etc appropriate to your intentions
    Zine design (option): Begin to explore different layout options using InDesign and make a new zine/book. Set up new document as A5 page sizes.
    Photobook design (option): Make a rough selection of your 40-50 best pictures from all shoots.
    Make sure you annotate process and techniques used.

    Upon completion of photoshoot and experimentation, make sure you evaluate and reflect on your next step of development. Comment on the following:

    How successful was your photoshoot and experimentation?
    What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
    How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
    What are you going to do next? – what, why, who, how, when, where?

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