statement of intent

I am going to explore teen gaze in my course study, the significance behind teen gaze is to present the real meaning of youth life and to experience it through their eyes among photographs. Teen gaze images are often taken as candid photos, the reason is that this is able to capture the raw moment in youth. The motivation as to why I picked teen gaze as my focus on the study is to display to the audience how adolescence get misunderstood and mistreated, it’s to also present how majority of people experience the same phases during their youth. Teen gaze can open the eyes of the people in adulthood and help them understand the emotions in teens. I wish to produce a photobook with the photos I have in the field, splash Sunday event and when I was in Madeira, the reason I have taken multiple shots during a long period of time is to properly present the teen gaze.

How I wish to take the photographs is by taking snapshots I will be doing this by randomly taking candid photos, how I will be doing this is by using my phone to take photos at any point during the events. The reason for this is because teenagers rarely take staged photos unless they wish to post them, teen gaze is mainly evolved around seeing the life through a teenagers eyes to show how people mistake them for this reason I will be using my phone to present the idea more clearly about teens and seeing it through my eyes.

What I will be including in my project are multiple snapshot of my friends and two still life photos. The aesthetic and style I will be producing is warm and comforting. The people that will be included in the photos are my friends as my theme is teen gaze. The images will be taken as a documentary in a natural environment outside as these are the type of places teenagers mainly spend their time especially during warmer periods. How I wish to produce the photobook is starting with the images taken at on the field the reason behind this is because the photos were during the day, the colours are more vibrant and it present what teens typically do during the day to socialise outside in the sun with their friends. I will then use the images of Emily during the Splash Sunday event at the end of my photobook as these were taken in the evening, and also presents what teens do during that time which is to go out and socialise while having some drinks. The photos of Emily will be paired with the two still life images of the wine and book.

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