
Overall I think my final outcomes were very successful, my images are abstract while still being very simple which is what I was aiming for. In the beginning I think it was quite a tricky theme (observe, seek, challenge) but once I knew what path I wanted to go down I realised there were countless opportunities for me to look into. What I liked a lot about this project is that it challenged me to look at the things around me differently and really take the small things into consideration, From this I believe I can see the beauty in things a lot more. A quote that inspired this project from the beginning is “When we stare at people, we’re actually just observing them, trying to better understand them, because there is something we find interesting in that individual!”, I found this really interesting but wanted to focus it more on objects than people.

Rinko Kawauchi was definitely my main inspiration for this project as I loved her use of composition, lighting, colour, and movement in her photos. Her ‘fairy-like’ photos is what influenced my more abstract photographs. Her use of colour is more focused on subtle pastel tones and muted hues so my inspiration behind colour definitely came more from William Eccleston’s bold and vibrant use of colour, the often saturated colours and strong contrasts create visually striking images, exactly how I wanted them to be.

One thing I would do differently next time is take more photos outside, I think natural light and nature is what is missing from my final images and what I think would bring them all together. If I was to continue this project I would also do another focus on humans and the people around me which I think would be an easy and affective way of extending this project.

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