PHOTOBOOK: Concept + Narrative + Design


What is your story?
Describe in:

  • 3 words
  • Girlhood and femininity.
  • A sentence
  • Creating documentation of what girlhood is through exploring aspects of femininity in teenage girls.
  • A paragraph
  • Depicting girlhood through themes of femininity and identity. Exploring different forms of gaze to capture what it means to be a woman and creating images which explore the lives of teenage girls.


How you want your book to look and feel: I want my book to look hyperfeminine and very stereotypically ‘girly’. I want it to create a feeling of nostalgia and comfort. The images vary slightly in terms of how I’m wanting to portray these aspects of femininity, and I want my book to reflex this variation.

Paper and ink: Hardcover book with premium paper and lustre finish

Format, size and orientation: Standard landscape format (25cm x 20cm)

Title: The title of my book “The essence of woman” is something I thought of at the very beginning of this project. I think it portrays my intended look and feel for my book. It communicates that the book is about what it means to be a woman, showing young girls who are developing into womanhood. Yet they still carry their childlike tendencies and appreciating nostalgia.

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