Photobook final layout

This is the final design of my photobook.

The process of making my photobook was straight forward as I am familiar with the software through making a photobook in the previous project of ‘Nostalgia’. I imported images to edit through Lightroom from my numerous photoshoots, in addition to a few archive pictures I have used in order to portray this idea of girlhood I aimed for, leaning into a nostalgic element from the previous project.

Once I had finished editing my images I simply added my favourite and best outcomes to a collection set which I then used to form the book. Using the templates in the settings, I added in my images to start creating the book. From then on it was easy to complete the book.

I believe my project has been successful, and I have created some strong outcomes for the theme ‘Observe Seek Challenge’. Taking inspiration from artists like Justine Kurland, Tom Wood, Nan Goldin. I have successfully produced an outcome which reflects the perception of femininity and girlhood like I wished. My photobook shows evidence of this outcome.

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