Seek – Ideas

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– Paul Upward
  • Self-discovery (new/old experiences)
  • Familiarity/comfort (places I often visit/stay)
  • Community (parish meetings, events, church)

To “seek” is to look for something. To represent this aspect of the project, I want to try seeking self-discovery, familiarity, comfort, and community through different means. Self-discovery is more about experiences and how one responds to them, which could be expressed through uncomfortable imagery of different staged situations, and dramatised recreations.

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Henri Cartier-Bresson

I could seek familiarity and comfort through the concept of childhood nostalgia, which is a topic I’m familiar with from past projects, so I could look back on old photographers to develop on that work further, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson. I can portray concepts of community by photographing larger gatherings of people, such as for events or regular meetings, such as church on Sundays, etc., although I don’t feel as though this could have as much artistic value for my project.

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