Observe – Ideas

Rinko Kawauchi - Simon Lee Foundation
– Rinko Kawauchi

To introduce the project, I want to observe and find beauty within the mundane as a starting point before further developing it, as I want to share my focus with each word of the exam prompt as individual ideas. I could do this through street photography, although I feel it would work better to work with smaller areas for a composition, to appreciate smaller textures up close, similarly to the work of Rinko Kawauchi, who I could use as an inspiration and someone to study on as the project develops.

– Bart Koetsier

Other photographers that I’m interested in studying for this part of the project include Rolf Van Roojj, and Bart Koetsier. This is because they often act as simply an observer, not interacting or staging their surroundings, just capturing moments on the street as they see them.

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