Evaluation of Zine

I am overall very happy with the Zine I produced from this project. I think it represents my them of beauty in the mundane well. I think I was successful with my sequencing of work – taking a lot of inspiration from Rinko Kawauchi’s approach to juxtaposition.

for the front cover I wanted to focus on light and abstraction so I found several images I had with a solar flare.
I am particularly proud of the diptych as they both mirror each other in horizontal leading lines and i think werfe a strong start for this book.
I think the ‘ zine within a zine’ worked well and added texture to an otherwise very linear booklet. If I were to do it again I think I would try to make more abstract images and include more photomanipulation.
In future I think it would be interesting to do more work with cyanography as the small insert was effective in conveying my theme of light and beauty.
Examples of my attempts to juxtapose more unnatural images next to natural ones.


I am overall very happy with the Zine I produced from this project.

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