Final prints presentation

Using a bright coloured, thicker paper, I have made a folder which fitted the 4 photographs, which were printed and showed my best outcomes from the Plemont photoshoot. How I have created the folder through roughly measuring around the prints how much space I needed for them to fit, and leaving a little loose space so it isn’t too tight, then before I cut, I made sure I knew where the bend was so that on the other half( front) is left with a lot of space on the sides, so that the sides could fold, and when glued they would stay together with the other (back) piece. I then wrote No.6 as the title to match the rest of my outcomes.


After seeing Maurice Van Es’s book “Now Will not Be With us Forever” I was intrigued by the section which was a folder for a couple images, where the prints could be taken out and unfolded. I didn’t follow this idea exactly, however, I was working in groups of photographs, where they were presented by grouping outcomes from each photoshoot together. As this was an unplanned photoshoot and I didn’t produce many outcomes, I though that it was perfect to display them in a folder. If I presented more prints in such folder it might bore the viewer and they wouldn’t want to see them all as it isn’t an easy to display and see format compared to a book or zine where it is easier to flip a page. I like the order of the Photographs as this has another connotation of travel and journey, the 1st and last image appears the same but it is actually taken of the rock before and after the tide came in, this shows how everything comes and goes and we need to cease the moments we have. I think this challenges the viewer to become more present with reality and observe their life through a more open approach.

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