Photoshoot plan


I’ll be taking pictures of a couple of my friends.


I want to create images of my friends laying together on a blanket. I’ll be taking some inspiration from Justine Kurland and her ‘Girl Pictures’ project.


I’ve chosen to use an old natural trust site located between Pontac and Le Hocq beach. It’s a grassy area which overlooks the beach.


I want to show different aspects of femininity, as I have researched different gazes. I want to explore these and show contrasting ideas of what it means to be feminine. This photoshoot will reflect more lighter feminine aspects, portraying typical traits of femininity.


I’m going to use a camera to capture photographs of them; exploring nature, plaiting hair, relaxing, being intimate, etc. I’ve asked them to where all white (preferably a skirt or dress too) in order to create themes of innocence and purity, a typical stereotype in the male gaze.


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