I used the studio space to take some headshot portraits of some friends.

I only took pictures of girls as I want my photobook to communicate a sense of girlhood and what it is to be a woman, exploring aspects of femininity. I asked each subject to project a neutral expression and then to smile, capturing two different expressions. I did this because I wasn’t sure what I wanted from this outcome yet. My plan was to create grid like pages over a double page in my photobook, showing a handful of different girls.

I framed the photos better and edited them to be black and white so they’d look standardised. I rated the ones I liked the most and planned on using as ‘blue’. I decided on using the images of when each girl was smiling, as I like the girly and feminine feeling of fun and happiness being shown.

I then selected Modify Page > Wedding which allowed me to find a suitable grid to put the images into. I didn’t take as many headshots as I would’ve liked, but with this template I had enough for the double page spread I planned on creating.

This is some experimentation of presenting the images in the photobook. While this would be quite a creative idea, I don’t have enough images to depict it successfully. The photos also appear quite small on the page, which is not something I was hoping for.

These are the final pages with my headshots in the template. I adjusted and zoomed the images to fit the grid accordingly. I arranged them to show contrast between each girl, showing how we are all different. Everyone expresses themselves and their femininity in different ways.

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