

  • Front Cover:

Image Wrap + Title (An Island Coven: Jersey’s Witches from Ritual to Trial)

  • Title Page:

Image + Title + Created by: + With Thanks

  • Section 1: Faldouet Dolmen – Ritual
  • Possible Images:
  • Typology
  • Section 2: Mont Orgueil Castle: Fortress, Home, Prison
  • Possible Images:
  • Typology
  • Section 3: Royal Square – Trial and Execution
  • Possible Images:
  • Typology

Typology Images:

  • Info Page: Bibliography
  • Back Cover:

Image Wrap + Blurb

Page Layouts

Cover Choice

I knew that the cover of my book needed a title and some kind of information about the book on the back. The question was which image do I choose?

The image above fits the story but focuses on the castel. It also disallows a clear title that can easily stand out – especially on the spine. After this I knew that I wanted to create some kind of overlaying image that can communicate more than one specific idea.

This image works and all the writing stands out but I think it is better suited for the section on the faldouet dolmen, and the rituals conducted by witches.

The final outcome of the cover is shown above. I chose this specific image where one photo overlays another as it communicates this idea of loneliness and the hell that 66 people had to endure after being accused of witchcraft.

Faldouet Dolmen: Beginning

I chose to use a single image to establish the section of the book and by using this image, it not only begins the section about witches rituals, it also starts the typology study that runs through the book and can be used to separate each section.

I knew that I wanted the book to be creative and emotive, but also informative so it was essential that I added some kind of written aspect throughout that detailed the information that I want to present throughout the final outcome.

Faldouet Dolmen

The images below associate with the first section and I knew that presented alongside written pieces of information would communicate a clear story of the rituals that were thought to be enacted by witches.

Info to Include

  • 4 Pillars of Witchcraft as detailed in the Malleus Maleficarum
  • Spells – the truth behind them
  • Poem about sacrifice from ‘These Haunted Islands’
  • Modern day reports about the Dolmen

The first image below was an initial mock up for one page spread in this section. Simply using two images and some information about what they show. However, I found this to be a bit clunky as the information seems like too much. I want to create a more creative approach so the information should be succinct and to the point. I therefore removed some of the writing and moved around the format to produce the second image which is the final page spread used in the book.

The next too page spreads show a before and after my initial thoughts. The writing in the final outcome works well with the two images that surround it. It communicates the willingness of a witch to follow Satan and renounce their christian faith. The first spread however has a central image that simply has no story behind it. With the page before containing the information about spells, this image seems out of place. So I decided to remove it.

Mont Orgueil: Beginning

The establishing image for this section is simply of the castle itself. The words that accompany get straight to the point that this section is about the imprisonment of those accused.

Mont Orgueil

In my research I found a letter from a prisoner held in the tower. It was written to his daughter the night before his execution, and I deemed that this chapter of the book needed no other information. The images that I decided to use would show no face and simply a singular figure in chains or lit with a single shaft of light. Establishing images that show the castle dungeons interlace with the portraits as the letter continues through the section, telling its story.


Royal Square: Beginning

The establishing image for this section is a simple monochrome landscape of the royal square. The idea for the sections title came from the phrase ‘Trial and Retribution’ adapting it to become ‘Trial and Execution’. I decided to not include the and as the only place that I could think to place it on the page spread effectively was in the middle where it would have been lost anyway. I therefore decided that only two words should be used and that is what is scene on the final spread.

Royal Square

I was unsure what to do with this section. The trials were an essential part to the story so had to be included within the book but the challenge was finding an effective way to present them. I found a specific court record in the archives detailing a witches confession. I then thought of the different sentences that were carried out and looked into each trial. The final presentation came from the idea of pairing an image associated with the witch, whether its of the ritual or a prisoner in the castle and to pair a name with that image. On the other side of the page spread, I then used an image of the royal square where the trials and sentencing was held. I then simply wrote the corresponding sentence given to each name; be it execution, banishment or pardon.

Section Separations

To separate each section, I wanted to use a typology study of dolmens and megalithic remains that fell upon ley-lines. These ancient burial and ritual grounds established a basis of pagan beliefs and during the 16th Century, were directly associated with witchcraft and satanism.

Final Outcome

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