final project evaluation


At the beginning of my project I knew that colour was something I wanted to explore and base my project around. With the theme being Observe, Seek and Challenge I thought that focusing on colour would fit in well. From looking at inspiration, I found that William Eggleston was going to be my main artist to follow. He took many images of colour mainly around Southern United States, which made me want to do a similar thing but in Jersey. Even though Egleston’s images were from a long time ago and with less technology, I was still inspired by him to make more modern versions of his images and showing what I could find over here and comparing it to his images being in America. Along side this, I chose to take images that weren’t directly inspired by him or Saul Leiter who I also looked into, but sights that were full of colour in Jersey which people may not notice on a regular basis.

William Eggleston’s image
my image

what went well:

As a whole, I think that most of my project went well. I think that one of the main things was the amount of colour I found in the style of my inspiration, which really helped make my project clear and stand out to viewers. Secondly, I think that the range of image I produced make my project have a wide variety of no only colours but also objects. Many of my images are focused on building/ houses and cars, but I have also included other things like nature and boats which Jersey has lots of. I also chose to make some experiments using two of my images on photoshop. I selected certain areas to keep in colour and made the rest of the image black and white. I think that whilst these may not be inspired by either Eggleston or Leiter, they add to my project and make the colours in the image stand out and draw the viewers in. Again I also think that my final print turned out well and also my photobook. I believe my photobook is the best part of my project as it sums up what I was basing it all on and how I have been heavily inspired. The contrast through out my book makes the image clear to focus on and shows the viewer what the main part of each image is through the way I have laid them out.

my image
my experiment

possible improvements:

On the other hand, I think that as all projects, mine could have been improved. Even though I wanted to show a more modern look on colour photography I still think that I could have made more images that were solely focused on Eggleston’s and especially Leiter’s. I think this would have improved my project and showed the viewers how things have change from when they both used to take images compared to now. However, I do think that this could add to my project to show just have fast the world is evolving and not only technology but also buildings and cars etc. I think to improved my project I could have looked further into Jersey and found more colour which would help my project.


Overall, I am very happy with how my project turned out and think that it presents a more modern version of colour photography well. From this project, I hope people can see that colour has such an impact on out lives and has just become another thing that we see everyday contrasting to how people saw it back then especially in images.

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