Photobook concept and narrative

For my photobook I narrowed down the 327 images that I took for this project into only 31

I decided to only use 31 images as I didn’t want my photobook to be too big and just a repetition of the same pictures. This helps make my final book more clear and gets the point across better. Each of my final images have a distinctive meaning.

All of the above are my photos that represent nature. I tried to euphemise them by increasing the vibrancy to make them more captivating and appealing then my other photos to really show the beauty of nature. These photos have significant meaning to me due to them all being taken in importance places such as my garden, places I used to go with family as a child and the places where I haver travelled to.

The set of images above are also important to me and my project. The meaning the I was trying to convey behind these images as how attached teenagers are on their iPhone. while blocking out reality and the world that surrounds them. The positions that I made my model sit, lay in are the natural positions that many of this generation goes in with their full attention being on their devices. The outcome of these Images where really powerful as it shows how many people are missing out on real life and while in these conditions they are not really “Living”.

The set of images again are Important to my project due to the important meaning behind them. They show how even while surrounded by nature many of this generation will still have their full attention on their phones. In two of the images I asked my models to display online images of nature while sat in similar environments, This emphasises the oblivious nature of people while on their phones and always seeking the virtual world rather than reality. These images are representations of what I see everyday in public, though in real life this type of behaviour is now considered “Normal”

The set of images above are again important to my photobook due to the meaning they convey. I produced them to show the dystopian realities of business that rely purely on technology. To help portray this I asked my male model to start working for his online business and told him to pose how he normally did. This inevitably shows the dangerous effects of spending all day on technology as it could impact an individuals mental health, I feel that the message behind these images are clearly evident to the viewer of my book which has been helped by the way I edited these images.

Lastly the set of images above are important to my photobook as it shows the effect that technology can have on relationships. To convey this message I asked my models to go on their devices ignoring and giving no attention the other model. These sets of images will inevitably also have a powerful impact on the viewer as in reality the impact technology has on relationships is often very overlooked by many which could result in separations in the future.

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