
Case studies

When evaluating my work there’s a big range of aspect to evaluate I did 4 case studies before actual doing any of the work and I think my image only look like 2 of the artist I picked I did want to do night photography at the start of this however I changed my mind because I hadn’t done to much daylight photography so in that aspect I think I did ok but my work is unique I guess and doesn’t follow other artists that I know.

2 of the 4 mood board that I created for the case studies the one on the left is Awoiska Van Der Molen and the one on the right is Robbie Shone.


I did 6 photoshoot some I took more photos than others and some that I used more photos than more than other the photoshoot where fun and weren’t really planned however they still turned out great and the photos that have been selected for the photobook an the printed photo turned out really good in editing.

Here’s 1 photo from every photo shoot you can see that there all different themes and feel with the each different photo everyone of them has their own unique feel.


When creating the photobook at the start I did want to do night photography however my ideas shifted and I went towards daylight photography when choosing the layout for the photobook I went with the order that did the photo shoots with so the first set of images are from the first photo shoot and the last set are from the one of the last photoshoot not the last photoshoot as that one was night photography and this book isn’t about night photography, the photo book is about abandoned things and places that have been “left alone” which is the name of the photobook its a bit cliche but it does suit the theme of the photobook and I quiet like how the photo book looks and feel I think it turned out great and I really like how the photo book turned out it and I excited to see it in real life.

Here is a link to the photobook – Left Alone

Printed photos

the photos that I had printed turned out alright I am not to happy with the way the night photography turned out however the rest of the prints turned out good all I did with the prints is put them onto some foam board the ones on the foam board look good and I am happy with the way they turned out.

last evaluation

with this whole project I learnt alot about how to take photos that looked good whilst also learning how to edited them to make them compliment each other in a photo book I tired to get the sort of feel of some of the artist case studies i did whilst also getting my own unique style into the photo I also took photos o things I like and what I think looked nice I believe my night photography photo reseblibe Liam Wongs kind of art style maybe a bit darker but still resembles his style. and the forest pictures also kind of resemble Awoiska Van Der Molen’s work however my pictures are not in black and white the reason for this is because I don’t like how overused black and white photo are use and the destail that can be missed out on by using black and white photos however I do get some photo will only look good in black and white and that’s the only time I will probably use black and white on one of my photos, I think this project is one of my best works yet I think that photobook turned out great and should definitely be better than my first one and the final image turned out good and I am proud of what I have produced and made for this project.

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