My photo book is based on the photographic gaze and more specifically the male gaze. The male gaze is a feminist theory by Laura Maulvey which is based on how women are seen and depicted to satisfy the needs and wants of men. I have picked this subject as I believe it ties in with the theme of observe seek and challenge as the male gaze includes the observation of females and seeking them in an objectifying and limiting manner. Furthermore, the male gaze challenges the progression of how women are being seen and depicted in current time when compared to the past.

The images that I have taken and chose to use in my photo book show both the strength and vulnerability in which Women as a whole hold. Some images show parts of the female body that some men desire which feeds into the stereotype of the male gaze however, the thought and meaning behind this book and the series of images has a deeper meaning to it. I chose this topic as many females find themselves changing their appearance to gain male validation. However, the images which i have taken are purely for the confidence of the people involve and to show that not everything has to be viewed in the terms of the male gaZA.

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