Project Evaluation – Observe, seek and challenge.

Overall, I really enjoyed this project and am happy with the way I managed to produce my final outcomes, being both my photobook and final prints. I think that I was successful in presenting my idea of games for the theme observe, seek and challenge by producing a wide range of images that link to it.

What I feel as though I did well in this project was the actual photographs themselves as I am pleased with the editing as well as the general ideas behind the shoots. I particularly like my castle photos that I did for my second photoshoot as I feel as though they go hand in hand with the concept of games, especially due to the monarchy having a huge influence over them in games like chess or cards which are frequently used throughout my project. Another part of my project that I think turned out well is my photobook as I really like the story told through my photographs as well as how the images link together not only through meaning but through colour and aesthetic too.

While there isn’t anything in particular that I would change about how my project turned out, there are some things that I feel as though could of made it strong if added. For example, including some more photoshoots which merge all of my previous ones. I feel as though this could help enhance my final outcome since it would help make the story behind it more clear to the viewer.

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