This is going to be the layout of my photobook I created this on Lightroom Classic through Blurb.
- Size: Standard Portraits
- Cover: Hardcover Image Wrap
- Paper Type: Premium Matte
For this book I have selected my best images out of this project to display them, I narrowed down my photographs from 900 down to 27 images. I am really happy with the final outcome of my book as think it works welly well and the colours trough out the book flow together well, I also like how my opening and closing image are both of the same person. All the images in my book represent my favourite photos from the project.
Experimental Book
This book is the first book I created I have chose not to use it as I don’t like the layout of it and and think some photographs don’t suit the book. It was also a landscape book which distorted the images so on the new book I have made it portrait.